NatKat's Big Brother Season 2
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Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want

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Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Empty Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want

Post by Emma Swan Sun 1 May - 19:19:17

NatKat's Big Brother Season 2
Happily Never After
Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want

Once upon a time, in a house far far away from civilization, 16 strangers were locked up and propelled into a fantasy world like no other. While trying to survive the elements of this house and the game played within its walls, the 16 players have also lost all memory of who they really are and now think they are fairytale characters.

Tonight on NatKat's Big Brother Season 2 - Happily Never After, a bit less commotion with the last round but a fan favourite was sent packing. Everyone was still worried about him, but the game had to go on.

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Tumblr_mbabb3SEOk1ro8qpo

There was a lot of game analyzing and chit chatting going on today in the house.

Tiana's Diary Room

So we are at final 6...


are left, then we have the jury:


I had good relationships with everyone on the jury so far, whether they wanted me out or not I at least kept in contact with them.  If Dopey goes to jury this week, I did not have any type of relationship with him whatsoever in this game because he was irrelevant and there was no point to a relationship.

Abu and I talked a bit more towards the beginning but it seems as if he gave up on the game and he also turned on me and tried to make me look stupid and it backfired on him.  

Baymax, is an oddball.  I have communicated with him a lot although we have never been aligned.  

Pumba & Gretel, I will actually have to turn on them eventually unless something happens and I get lucky with the Kristoff situation...

Although I am going to try and comp REGINA SHOULD HAVE WON until the end.  Wink If I win this next round, I am going to put Gretel in the HOH position yet again.  

I am grooming Gretel to be the goat she was meant to be for me<33

Gretel's Diary Room

It's right before the final 5 HOH comp and I just went back and reread some old diary rooms. It's important for me at this stage of the game to really give some hard thought to the players in this game and their relationships.

Pumba is giving me the most reason for pause. I recall Yzum was hesitant to nom him, he is very close to Tiana, he speaks with Dopey (and has been pushing to save him) and Baymax gets along with him too. BFFs with Cindy. He's won some comps, and idk does he have a better social game than me? I highly doubt it...but I can't say for sure. Was my day 1 gut instinct to take him out correct?

Tiana. She's loyal to me but out for herself most importantly. She's been bossy and controlling and we all know it. If she makes it to the end she has a strong chance to win. I don't like being spoken down to, but she did get her way for the most part, plus she had comp wins.

Baymax. He informed me that he is going out of town and will be mobile, so he's not a lot of help. He hasn't won too much but has been a little social. I tend to think his social game is less than mine since he was excluded from the hero room and had to nom Pumba.....he did get the credit for taking out Kristoff. He is on west coast time I think and could do very, very well in a final endurance. My gut says maybe he should be who I f2 with. Idk....

And lastly, Dopey. Inactive, underdog, clearly doing something right socially with Baymax and Pumba. That's his nature though, overall great guy. No one in the game actually appears to like him that much, but somehow he is still in! I don't mind him at all but I sense his loyalties are to others over me.

Jury so far: Cinderella Yzum, Kristoff, and Abu. I have decent odds with this group....but I can't make myself vote out jury threats right now. I have to just make it to the end and work on perfecting the weakest part of my game, jury comments. I am awful!! My head is spinning again. I will just play it by ear as usual since I do know winning the F5 HOH is not smart, so it's out of my hands at this point! No one should be nominating me though and maybe not even if veto gets used Razz

I guess we wait and find out my fate together!

The Wizard Power Challenge #12 (Seven Dwarfs)

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There's dirty work afoot

Tiana can play but if you win, you must assign HOH to someone else.

Dwarfs are hard working. Tonight you will be put to work with 7 tasks involving IMDb.

Soon, I will put a list of tasks that you have to complete using IMDb.


- You have 45 minutes
- Answer in your Diary Room
- Your answers must be exactly how it is spelt on IMDb
- You must link me for every answer you provide
- I do want the answer AND the link, not just a link to your answer. If it's a post, I want you to post the post and the link to it beside. If it's a User name, you post the User name and the link to it, etc.
- You can only submit once
- If you all finish before deadline, it will go to most correct in shortest amount of time
- None of your answers can be someone who has posted / something posted on the Games and Other Games Board
- When the answer is a User ID, the person has to be active and have at least 20 posts in their posting history. At least 1 post has to be made within the last 90 days. The account has to have been made before February 2016.
- None of your posts you find can have been made after this challenge started. Aka you can't use another IMDb account you may have to post things to get points.

Do you have any questions? The list of thing will be posted in 5 minutes

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want 144428-004-A48B5604

Baymax: "This challenge is stressing out my batteries already

The players were hard at work. Gretel was trying to be subtle and help Dopey since she didn't want the power of Head of Household.

Gretel's Diary Room

This HOH challenge is very telling. I am loving it because it shows me who I can trust. Dopey and I are working together in PM, I actually did some of this challenge (what O_O lol) and sent it to him. I'm not sure why my gut is saying to do that instead of work with Tiana or Pumba, maybe because both of them went radio silent. I wished Pumba good luck and got nothing. I also saw a private room flash and there were no new posts in any of mine, so I know someone was doing something!

It was also revealing that Baymax was trying to help me! I appreciated his effort. Idk let's see what happens. I am feeling on edge but at this stage of the game, I'd be stupid to be feeling as comfortable as I felt early-on!

It was time to notify the winner.

Gretel's Diary Room

I take back my previous comment as I realized Dopey and I did not "work together." I was sending him a few answers, but he never shared ANY with me. Sort of suspicious.....if I get backstabbed over this I will just lol. Exactly the sort of thing I'd do and get a ton of heat for it!!!

Tiana: "Ugh I didn't win."

Gretel: "me either..."

Tiana: "my anaconda don't want I bet Dopey won."

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Giphy

You have won the twelfth Wizard Power of the season. You have 3 hours to message me your pick for the Head of Household. It can be yourself or anyone in this cast. You must PM me your choice on this forum. Who you tell about this is up to you.

Dopey: "I'd like to give it to Gretel please"

They both walk out.

While they wait for the winner to be announced, Dopey shares the news with Gretel.

Gretel: "fingers crossed!

please don't tell anyone we worked together on this, unless of course it's in the finale or something!"

Dopey: "no worries Wink. I'm gonna give it to you it a sign of trust !"

Gretel: "oh no dopey, I can't accept that! You earned it, I wouldn't feel right."

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Unicorn-poop-1

Dopey: "too helped me out a few times, voted to keep me in. Much appreciated Wink , my way of saying thank you, and this way you're guaranteed a place in F4 . And to be fair, you got the bulk of the answers lol"

Your Twelfth Head of Household



Please use the thread I will make you in the "Wizard's Lair" to post your nominations at your earliest convenience. You will have till tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m. EST to nominate.

Dopey's Diary Room

I certainly hope I made the right choice in trusting Gretel , hoping she nominates Pumba and Tiana .

Tiana: "Congratulations!"

Dopey: "Nice one Gretel <3

Tough challenge again Emma Sad , Dopey is starting to feel way out of his league !"

Baymax: "that was really tough! Congratulations gretel!"

Gretel: "Thank you all! I didn't realize I won. If anyone has anything they need me to know before I nominate, please let me know."

Gretel keeps a straight face while around Dopey.

Gretel: "Thank you Very Happy wow!!

Any idea on noms? I sorts want to use pawns so Tiana doesn't feel like she has to win veto. What do you think? We can't mess up or she will win every challenge til the end."

Dopey: "Hey ,
it's tricky...cause either way she will feel like she has to win veto :
If you nominate her , she'll want to win
If you don't nominate her , she'll want to win to make sure she's not the replacement and keep the noms the same.

For us, it's all about making sure she doesn't win the veto challenge . Hope that makes sense. Whatever decision you make, I'll go along with it ok"

Gretel: "Hmm you are right! I bet she will try anyway so I will put her up straightaway. I suspect Pumba is closer to her than Baymax since he nominated her! Just please promise you will fight like none other for that veto!!

I also wanna thank you again for giving up a guaranteed spot in the final 4 to me. No one has ever done that for me before and I am still speechless!! I'd like to repay you by maybe agreeing to go to the last 3 together if you would be interested? I know you don't make many deals and I don't wanna put too much pressure on ya, but it would be cool to do that with you! We've always been honest and honored our words and it'd be nice if it could last really long term. Just let me know, ok Smile"

Dopey: "Giving you the HoH was the best way to show trust , I felt. I've been in a kind of alliance with Baymax from the start , but again , no deals have been made , we just looked out for each other.

I don't like making deals , simply because it's the best way to fall out with players ultimately lol, not because I'm not trustworthy , far from it lol. The further we go the better , but ultimately , there can only be one winner...if we can work together and make sure we make last 3 , then perfect , I'm all for that !

I have to say , the way you spoke there , I have a feeling that you know who am I am lol (my identity). We're not supposed to tell each other, so I don't want to discuss it at length, simply that I've been trying to guess who the players are in my diary room , just for fun Wink , it'll be cool at the end when all is revealed to see how many I got right !

As for tonight's veto , if there's any way we can work together again , then we have a better than average chance of getting it Very Happy"

Gretel: "ok sounds good! Yes, if there's anything we can do to both make last 3, I'd love to!

What do you mean from the way I spoke? lol. Do you know me? We aren't supposed to share!!"

Dopey: "lol , i know we're not supposed to share ! I was just saying that I've been trying to guess who people are in my diary thread, just for fun.

I think it's just the way you said " I know you don't like to make deals...." , it sounded like you know who I am lol , that's all. I don't know for sure who you are, but I've made a guess Wink. We'll see if I'm right at the end of the game !"

Gretel: "oh no, I gathered that soley from our interactions cuz you've mentioned it to me before Very Happy

I would never be able to guess you off of saying you don't make deals ha ha, I am not that good!"

Dopey: "I think it'll be funny when it turns out that none of my guesses are right lololol , gonna look a bit silly Wink"

Gretel: "ha ha that is the fun of it! I don't have any good guesses either so don't worry Smile"

Gretel's Diary Room

I am so freaking mad. You have no idea. This is the worst HOH in the course of the game to win b/c you can't even play in the F4 HOH and now my entire game rides on the F4 veto and I will have AT LEAST one person still in the game I just nominated. I am getting fourth again and I wasted all my time yet again. I hate this entire cast. I'm like not even kidding.

Tiana was feeling something fishy again. Gretel had lied to her about winning HOH.

Pumba: "Someone gave it to her then?"

Tiana: "She told me she didn't win so someone won and gave it to her."

Pumba: "She told me the same."

Tiana: "Someone wanted to put her on the hot spot then because she must be aligned with us all. Are you nervous?"

Pumba: "A little lol, you?"

Tiana: "Yeah I am!"

Pumba: "Is she answering you?"

Tiana: "No she isn't."

Pumba: "Me either"

Tiana: "She is probably realizing the shitty position she is in. Someone from Baymax/Dopey had to have won and put her in the HOH position because they wanted the F4 HOH.

But I assume she was more faithful to me/you and now she is in a tough position?"

Pumba: "I hope that's the case. I have no reason to think otherwise, but obviously someone is very comfortable with her"

Tiana: "Yeah that is fishy to me. I bet she logged off because she has no idea what to do now that that person put her in a tough spot."

Gretel goes to Baymax for some companionship.

Baymax: "Off you are HoH!! This is the best."

Gretel: "Any idea on how to get Tiana out? I kinda want to use pawns so she doesn't think to try in veto....

We have to be smart I think cuz this one is important! She can win the whole thing!. Bay!! I need your guidance my companion Wink

I may just put her and Pumba straight up since they are a duo and I know you think highly of Dopey!! Is that an ok idea?"

Baymax: "That is the best thing to do at this point I believe."

Gretel's Diary Room

There's no coming out of this. I like can't even be mad though, it's an awesome game move, Dopey thinks he's well positioned clearly and if he tanked my game on purpose then kudos to him. I just hope that was his plan, if it was some whim and not thought out, then I will be mad. Basically I have to ignore everyone in the game until I figure something out which clearly doesn't help anything since I will look so effing sketchy.

Tiana's Diary Room

I didn't win the Wizards challenge but someone my girl Gretel is HOH! I know I am safe this week.

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Giphy

Gretel was fuming. She went to her room and started ripping her precious socks to shreds, cussing and kicking things.

Tiana: "Are you sure you didn't win? Or did someone give you the HOH? What are you going to do?"

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Tumblr_mwsm3v42er1sptwkuo1_400

Gretel: "Anything I need to know before I nominate? What do you think is best?"

Tiana: "I think nominating Baymax/Dopey is best that we we for sure can get rid of one of them, then me/you/Pumba make final four with a 75% chance of making final 3.

I think our path to the final 2 is easiest that way since Dopey/Baymax haven't worked with us much besides talking to us and Pumba is actually someone who's been loyal to our alliance without straying.

Gretel: "Do you know of anyone trying to get me on the block at all in the past?"

Tiana: "No I don't think anyone has tried to. I think that if Pumba goes home this week, and either Baymax/Dopey get HOH next time that either me or you will leave next round.

I think it's best to put up Baymax/Dopey because they aren't in our alliance. I wouldn't trust Baymax/Dopey. I think Baymax knew me/you/Kristoff were super close, but I don't think he knows that you were my very first alliance and my final two.

But I think Baymax is trying to do whatever he can to worm his way to the end of the game. He is dangerous."

Gretel still confused decides to destress by folding socks in her room. Pumba comes in.

Pumba: "Tiana said if you or I wins HOH, we are all guaranteed F4."

Gretel: "Lol. She's really nice but a huge threat! Any thoughts? I am sort of thinking to put Tiana up straightaway. I don't want to hide what I'm thinking. She is going to try for it anyway I feel like."

Pumba: "Hey! I was getting worried about you lol!

It's 100% up to you. The downside of that is that if you nom her, and she wins veto, she knows you're against her. But it all depends on what you have going on with Baymax and/or Dopey.

Who would you put up with her?"

Gretel: "That's what I am unsure you think you would feel pressure to veto her? I could put you up so you wouldn't have to vote against her too since I don't see any way that you would go when I've through different scenarios. Even if she gets veto, Tiana and I would have majority, if you win, you can obviously come off, if I win I could take you off, everyone else would leave it and the other 2 want her out and have sent me countless messages to nominate her.

I don't know, it would look weird if I put her up with anyone else haha but then I could not always put her up right away too!

What do you think? The most ideal situation this week in my perspective is for us to hide our closeness, possibly take out Tiana or someone else, and get the final 4 veto and final 3 HOH!"

Pumba: "I mean, I don't really want to go up, but it's your call lol.

I won't be here for veto tonight, so I won't be winning it.

I just think it's too late in the game to be using pawns. Unless you have some sort of agreement with Baymax and/or Dopey (which is fine), but you don't see very many people putting their F2's up in the F5 lol"

Gretel: "darn I was hoping you'd be here! I don't have any deals with either of Baymax or Dopey, except for the fact that in my mind I think they are easier to beat in challenges.

and ya, I know it would be a risky move. Let me think on it a little bit!"

Pumba: "If you really think putting me up is the best thing, I can't fault you for that. I just personally don't think it's the best plan. But I'm also biased because it's me going on the block lol.

Who do you think gave you the HOH?"

Gretel: "Ya I understand. I have a tendency when I play to be more risky and go to great lengths to hide true loyalties and I know it's not ideal in this kind of setting ha ha but it typically works for going far.

and I am so confused about HOH. I am not sure how it happened! It's making nominating very tricky."

Pumba: "I'm all for hiding loyalties. If you think there is no way I would go home, do what you think is best. But I for sure won't be playing veto tonight."

Gretel: "Ok, I honestly don't see it happening as it stands now. With you not being here, it would just mean someone else would win veto and I'd be nominating the whole cast when you aren;t in danger lol"

Pumba: "You've got my support in whatever decision you make. If you need to talk it out, I'm here. Smile"

Gretel: "ok, thanks for being supportive!! I am sorry to do this, but I think it may be best!"

Pumba's Diary Room

Gretel is clearly playing all sides. She wants to put up Tiana outright (why??) AND put me up, who she just made a F2 agreement with yesterday?? She's obviously got side deals with Baymax and Dopey. I'm not letting her off the hook so easily. If she's going to put me up, it's going to be against my will and I'll consider our F2 deal over. It's Final 5 moron! Who uses pawns this late?

I'll have to do some serious damage control with Tiana if that happens and confess everything I planned yesterday. But we'll see how the noms go first.

Tiana's Diary Room

Baymax is really trying to get into Gretel's ear and I assume he is trying to get me nominated. If Gretel falls for his tricks (which are true, I did try and get her nominated lololol but it was in good taste<3) then I will be pissed!

Gretel's Diary Room

Yeah I have zero clarity right now. Dopey and Baymax both helped me in the challenge/wanted me to be HOH and trusted me,while I have a f2 with both of Tiana and Pumba, so it's like do I stab the people who genuinely helped me in the back or nominate 2 strong comp players, where the one who stays will likely win the f4 veto and send me home....I cannot think of any win-win for me. I am almost more mad than last night. My stomach hurts, I feel guilty and awful about betraying someone and also feel a lot of anger at Dopey and sort of want to throw him up there...but like who does that when he gave me f4?!? I've never experienced anything like this in a game where I really don't know...normally I'd have some sort of sounding board and I just know I'll look back on this decision and regret it.

I've lied so much, even to the point of saying I didn't win this HOH and I did. Dopey destroyed my game, at least I'm still in to do something about it, I just don't know what to do!!

Eventually, after a good night sleep, Gretel was feeling refreshed and like she knew what to do.

Gretel's Diary Room

I think I know what I'm going to do and have thought through it on several's the best I can do given the circumstances.

As of now, I am going to nominate Pumba and Tiana. Last night before I went to bed it was Dopey and Baymax. I am walking a fine line between two pairs I feel like.

Here's my thought process. To Tiana, I can justify it b/c I heard she tried to get me nomd instead of Pumba when Bay was HOH. She also seems much closer to Pumba based on her comments. One of Tiana or Pumba will go home this week, the other, the survivor, is the best out of all of us at comps, can be the F4 HOH and then I hedge my bets with Baymax and Dopey in the veto. I know Dopey is close to Baymax but I just have to hope he will stick with me, but he likely won''s the risk I have to take. Plus, I've been saying from day 1 that I wanted Tiana and Pumba out so here's my one shot of nominating BOTH, where one definitely goes home! I am not a mindless follower!!

I need to ease Pumba into going on the block though before I announce anything. It could all change! I am prepping for an explosion get ready viewers Wink

Gretel: "Hi everyone. Welcome to the second to last official nomination ceremony. As HOH, I need to nominate two people for eviction. I feel a bit rushed with this cuz I only have certain viewpoints. The basis for my decision is my gut feeling really, going off of some things I've seen and heard and connecting the dots, basically trying to discern the truth as it pertains to me. Specifically I learned one of you in the game has been actively trying to get me nominated and it stings. I was hoping to hear it directly/work through it and never did.....and I've heard of other deals being made without me. Not that I need to be included but I am HOH now! The nominations here are really my way of protecting myself but the veto is what matters and I am sure my original nominations will change.  I know I am betraying people and while it's not my preference to do so, I am not the only one in this game that is cuz I feel like I was personally, I'm still sorry to do it.

My nominations are


I have to go for a few hours but will be on later if either of you wanna talk."

Pumba: "Was this serious? Good luck in the veto comp Tiana! I won't be here for it tonight, but if anyone would like to use the veto I sure would appreciate it. Sorry one more thing. If I remain on the block, I'll ask that you wait to vote until I can plead my case. Thanks in advance!"

Tiana: "Interesting."

Gretel: "Yes, Pumba cuz not many were on (and I wasn't last night) and I couldn't wait any longer to post cuz I had to leave.

Baymax: "thank you for your companionship gretel!"

Gretel was hiding out, but Queen Tiana found her anyways.

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want Funny-sayings-1582

Tiana: "Do you really not trust me? I gave you an HOH before so clearly you're my number one ally. And now I feel stupid for even competing in the challenge last night because I was going to give HOH to you."

Gretel: "Sad I saw screenshots where you were suggesting I go up. I also heard you had some f2s with others. It just really took me back.

Maybe I'm being naive and it's lies, I don't know but I heard it from multiple places so I just doubted."

Tiana: "I wouldn't have given you the HOH if you weren't my main ally. I think I may have suggested you go up to ensure Kristoff left the week Kristoff left but that's it.

I suggested that because I didn't know how close you were with Kristoff and I didn't want to chance anyone going home but Kristoff and I knew you'd be safe. I've never spoken to Dopey in the game. I talk to Baymax through PM's but haven't been aligned with him.

I was aligned with you and Pumba and you were the only person I've ever considered final two with. You also are the only person I had a individual room with.

You were the first person I talked to in this game, so it kind of sucks now knowing that you'll be the one to send me out the door since I had every intention of going to the final 2 with you. Is there any chance you'll reconsider getting rid of me? I want to be your final 2 100%."

Gretel: "I believe you and I think deep down I knew all that. I liked Kristoff a lot Sad.  I just really was hurt this morning hearing all this  (considering how close we are and day 1 f2) and you weren't on and I felt a ton of pressure from the cast cuz everyone wants you out and I just like put you up since I had to get off to be somewhere.

And no, I'm not opposed to reconsidering at all. I just feel like since I did this it's sort of unforgiveable for you so I'm feeling ashamed you'd still want to f2 after all this and how I betrayed you.

I was telling the host earlier I hated this round and honestly didn't know what to do. Pumba is upset too obviously."

Episode #29 - My Anaconda Don't Want HowCanYouBeSoEvil

Tiana: "Yeah, I understand you are in an awkward situation. If I can somehow stay in the game past this round, I still do want a final two with you. If I win the HOH next round, I will be targeting Baymax or Dopey.

I am going to try hard to win this veto, and if I do I want you to know that I will be voting out either Baymax/Dopey whoever you end up putting up because I want to stay loyal until the end to you and Pumba.

But I promise you, I want us in final two. 100% I have been honest with you except for that detail that I left out but I left it out because I didn't feel like it was a big deal; not that I wanted you out or anything, I was just trying to tell Baymax how I thought he could achieve his goal of getting rid of Kristoff."

Gretel: "good luck, T! Just honestly focus on veto cuz then there are options. We can talk after more too."

Pumba goes to see Gretel in her room again to make sure her comments were not about him.

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Pumba: "Was I the one you heard things about, because I never tried to get you nommed"

Gretel: "No!!! Tiana."

Gretel's Diary Room

Well I did the nominations. Checked the box. Feeling alright at this point, but not great because of now making enemies and losing my perfectly positioned game.....and I honest to God do hate sending people home at my expense.

The truth of the matter is yet again I made a choice based on my odds of winning (and guilt over Dopey giving me HOH), which I need to remember not to do. I know in my heart Tiana was loyal and this nomination was a backstab (despite her F2 with Pumba and suggestion to Baymax, because that suggestion was true since she knew I was close to Kristoff), and now I'm thinking (and always known) I don't trust Bay and Dopey like I do Pumba/T so I'm clearly not learning from past mistakes. But I have to roll with my decision and evict one of them at this point. The choice had been made and it's gamebot time.

Overall though, I am taking a shot at who I said early on I wanted so, what happens, happens. I can only make my own decisions after some thought and this will be the round I look back and either cringe or think yes, this is the game move that solidified things for me.

Now I'm thinking Tiana will win veto and then wtf do I put up. I'm telling you now it'll noming everyone this round and ruining everyone's opinion of me lol. This twist absolutely 100% sunk my game. I knew when I read it I would  be impacted since allies love me and I guess I can only say I'm lucky I made it this long without getting my hands dirty LOL

I am in better spirits, it's a game for FUN. You make errors and lose, or you go on to win. I can handle the outcome! I'm just hard on myself Sad

Kristoff would agree...I've LET IT GO! Plus it helps when the two noms may need to still suck up b/c I could be a deciding vote rofl...which yet again, awful positioning!! I hate f5 rounds in BB...always have!!

After an unwelcome Head of Household. Gretel made a big move and nominated her day one final 2. Is this all a ruse? Find out next time on NatKat's Big Brother Season 2 - Happily Never After.
Emma Swan
Emma Swan

Join date : 2016-03-31

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