NatKat's Big Brother Season 2
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Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won

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Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Empty Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won

Post by Emma Swan Sun 1 May - 19:15:41

NatKat's Big Brother Season 2
Happily Never After
Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won

Once upon a time, in a house far far away from civilization, 16 strangers were locked up and propelled into a fantasy world like no other. While trying to survive the elements of this house and the game played within its walls, the 16 players have also lost all memory of who they really are and now think they are fairytale characters.

Tonight on NatKat's Big Brother Season 2 - Happily Never After, Yzma is feeling really alone and just decided to keep her bags pack. Would anyone extend a hand?

Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won 1349748604209946_animate

Abu and Pumba were talking in the bathroom while brushing their teeth.

Pumba: "I wasn't really paying attention since I was HOH and couldn't vote, but was it just simple miscommunication on that last vote, or are things shifting away from the group? I just want to try to stay in the loop lol. Regardless, I'd like to keep working with you."

Abu: "Yeah i think it's poor miscommunication with the last vote. I know Tiana wanted to keep Mombi, and Cinderella couldn't care less. I was also set on keeping Mombi but Yzma begged me for my vote to stay. "

Pumba: "Ok, that's what I figured but sometimes it's good to just check-in. Yzma was the only one of the two to contact me after I made my noms, so I had no problem with her staying."

Cinderella's Diary Room

At this point, I really need to win this Wizard's Challenge so I control who becomes HOH. I don't really want to be HOH because I'm not prepared to make nominations at the moment, but I don't want to throw it and have someone win and put me up so I'm going to try.

It was not time for the next Wizard challenge.

The Wizard Challenge #8 (Oh Brother...Bear)

Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Tumblr_nhisonvmqQ1rux2yjo1_500

Nature Calls!

Tonight you will compete in a picture challenge. Below is a link to a picture montage featuring brothers of famous people. They are not necessarily famous.

Your task is to give me the name of their famous brother or sister.

* Please note that if someone is related to more than one famous person, I will accept either.


- You can only submit once
- You submit in your Diary Room (thread doesn't matter)
- Spelling and capitalization DOES COUNT
- You have 20 minutes

Pumba can participate but cannot award HOH to himself.


Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Part

After some time.

Emma Swan: "Winner will be notified. I'll be back in a bit to announce HOH."

One back one they walk in the room, mainly to get told they suck and didn't win. One of them was a bit luckier though.

Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Giphy

You have won the Wizard Power. You have 30 minutes your pick for the Head of Household. It can be yourself or anyone in this cast. You must PM me your choice on this forum. Who you tell about this is up to you.

Dopey: "Oh yay, I will give it to Yzma"

Emma a little shocked nods and leaves the room.

Your Eight Head of Household



Please use the thread I will make you in the "Wizard's Lair" to post your nominations at your earliest convenience. Tonight if possible.

Cinderella's Diary Room

Yzma wins and I'm terrified. I just voted to evict her, she knows it, and now she's HOH. I feel like this is a setup to get Tiana out but I want Tiana here.

Kristoff: "Congrats"

Abu: "nice job, Yzma"

Cinderella: "Congrats Yzma"

Gretel to Tiana: "Ugh. Talk to Yzum."

Yzma was pretty much shitting rainbow over being Head of Household. She was after all the last villain remaining. She was ready to nominate.

Baymax: "Congratulations Yzma. You can finally overthrow the emperor!

Neal you should turn her nominees into llama avatars."

Tiana: "Good job Yzma!"

Pumba: "Congrats Yzma!"

Not everyone was feeling good about this win. The last villain as HOH? That can't be good.

Pumba: "Something fishy went on"

Cinderella: "I agree. I feel like someone threw her that HOH. I'm just bummed because I made a dumb mistake and lost the challenge and now this happens.

We'll see how this plays out. "

Cinderella is feeling nervous since she admitted to voting Yzma.

Cinderella: "Congrats girl and sorry again for evicting you."

Yzma: "Thank you and I understand why you voted me but Dopey told you with your vote I was safe."

Yzma was ready to nominate.

Yzma's Diary Room

No bitching this time. I dont know who gave me HOH but thank you. I can live one more week. Okay now I can candy cane sweater. WTF Tiana do actually think I believe you, maybe if you would have messaged me before it was announced I was HOH.

Yzma: "I have decided to nominate

Sorry but both of you voted to send me home in the last vote. Good luck"

Tiana: "Understandable"

Cinderella: "Jury I come. lol "

Baymax: "Thank you for your companionship m'lady."

Veto Player Selection

I will need Yzma, Tiana and Cinderella to pick 1 numbers between 1-6. Each number is assigned to a player. Your selections will join you to compete in the next veto challenge. You have until 6:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday April 20th.

Yzma: "5"

Tiana: "4"

Cinderella: "6"

Number 5 aligns with Kristoff
Number 4 aligns with Dopey
Number 6 aligns with Pumba

Veto players


Tiana's Diary Room

Lol I deserve to be nominated after being such a cocky girl the last round.

I knew I'd be nominated soon with 2 of the prejurors constantly returning to the game and bad mouthing me lol oh well

Gretel's Diary Room

I am betting on the right horse! Yzum won the HOH!! We are on very good terms so I am in the final 8. She went with the two people who voted her out and I am thinking hard about the best move.

Ideally, I'd LOVE for Tiana to get veto. Yzum noms Kristoff. Kristoff stays even tho Cinderella nullifies, and then she goes. It gets rid of someone I'm not close with, keeps Tiana front and center and keeps two very loyal people to me (Kristoff and Tiana) in the game. If Tiana doesn't get veto, there's not much I can do. It will be hard that I lose THREE of my closest allies by final 9. Scar, Cruella, Tiana. I guess it's a good thing I have plenty of back-ups.

I need someone to break up Abu/Baymax too b/c I'm NOT being a third wheel. Need Dopey and Pumba out still too. Along with Cindy. LET'S GET RID OF PEOPLE!!

Cinderella's Diary Room

I'm nominated Sad This is my worst nightmare and I can't even make the veto because I have to work.

I have a feeling I'm heading to jury this week which sucks because I'm not ready to go home yet. I feel like I have so much game left in me and I want to be able to play.

Baymax's Diary Room

This entire game I have had to rely on my social and strategy skills, and I have been doing one of the best jobs at it I have in my entire time of playing these games. I just talked Yzma out from nominating me because of the 2 times I saved her and because I am a sure vote to get Cinderella out, who she wants to evict now that Tiana was saved (what the hell are you up to, Kristoff? hmmmmmmmmm??)

Yzma was sitting in her HOH room very confused how she even got there. Dopey walks in.

Dopey: "ok , firstly , honesty is always the best I'll tell you straight off. I won HoH for that challenge and gave it to you. No ulterior motives , just a sign of trust...and also the fact that you would probably enjoy getting your own back on Tiana and Cinderella. Yes, I could have asked you if you were ok with it beforehand, but then again the "action" would become almost "conditional" , this way it proves that we both trust each other (I hope it makes sense lol)

Secondly , Emma has taken away the "Members" option at the top of the page , because I pointed out that you could still ascertain who was top "poster" even if you couldn't actually see the post count...I wish I'd never said anything now lol , as it stands we can't even see when Members have been online last.

I hope we can carry on working together....we've made it this far Wink"

Yzma: "Thank you so much Dopey for giving me the HOH. I knew I didnt win I only found 2 answers. I am enjoying the payback very much. I had a feeling Cinderella was a rat. You are about the only one I trust in this game. So I am happy to work with you.

Yes I seen it was gone and I figured it was because Emma and Neal figured out you could still see the post counts if you looked at everyones statistics. I had done this and wrote them down Monday night. As of then Tiana Kristoff and Gretel all had around 400 posts."

Dopey: "We need to work out what we want to do about veto we go for it to win ? and if so , would you want to keep the noms the same? Cause right now, Cinderella thinks you nommed her because of the vote, though nothing has been finalised about our alliance...if either of us win veto , and don't save her, that's the alliance gone for good. Which is why we need a plan, really..."

Yzma: "I know who my replacement is if one comes down. I think if we win we have to decide then. Cinderella kind of broke the allaince with me when she voted me. But I understand you want to keep a good relationship. I think if Tiana left Cinderella would be alone"

Dopey: "no no, not at all Wink , I just want us to be on the same page , that's all ! Cinderella had her chance to listen , I posted on the thread , but she chose to ignore me and listen to others, that was her downfall... What did you think of Cinderella's post ? I think it's difficult to believe when she's says : " You'd be getting rid of someone who would legitimately have your back moving forward..." , considering she did just the opposite in the previous round. Anyway , your call, I'm happy with whatever you decide on this one, since you're the one who got stabbed in the back Wink"

Yzma: "Lets see how the veto plays out if Tiana goes then I would be okay with cinderella but I wont fully trust her"

Pumba, Cinderella and Tiana were in their bedroom talking about the nominations and just feeling bummed out and anti social with the rest of the house.

Pumba: "I guarantee I'm the replacement nom"

Cinderella: "Hopefully one of us can get off with the veto. Pumba, you really need to win it more than us though."

Tiana: "Sucks man. Something fishy went on with that vote and HOH. Me and Cindy were set up"

Pumba: "I don't know about the HOH, but the vote was definitely fishy. If the veto is something we can throw to me I can win it and take one of you off, but if we've been left behind by the others it won't matter. The one on the block will probably go home"

Tiana: "I'm going to try to stay optimistic about this and hope we are good. Gretel told me she was voting to keep Yzma, but Anu and Kristoff didn't say anything to me about it"

Cinderella: "Nobody told me anything outside of what was posted in the group thread.

I'm not giving up hope either, we might be able to turn this around. Now we just have to get this and change the nominations around. "

Cinderella got up and decided to go talk to Yzma, who was probably with Dopey in their room.

Cinderella: "I understand why you put me up and no hard feelings but I was told differently. I literally thought everyone besides Dopey was evicting you. Had I known what was really up, I would have kept you but it's okay. Whatever happens, happens. So where do we go from here? I mean, I can only be mobile for veto tonight which means I'll most likely lose and nobody tells me anything so I'm sure you can get the votes to get me out. I've gotten "hey, vote this way" but that's pretty much it. But if you vote me out, you're getting rid of someone who would legitimately have your back moving forward. So far, I've just voted the way I thought everyone else was but I've never targeted you or anything."

No one answers her and they kind of just stare into oblivion.

Kristoff and Gretel go off to the side to react over this turn of events.

Gretel: "Omg Yzum won. I hope Cindy and Tiana don't hate us right now...."

Krisdtoff: "I'm so excited we weren't nominated! This worked out pretty well for us. I'm gonna fight for that POV though."

Gretel: "Ya you need to!"

Kristoff: "I'm not sure I'd use it if I won tbh. That would be a really good opportunity to ice Tiana lol Idk I could be getting ahead of myself."

Gretel: "Ya I don't know that I would either. I just meant it would be good to make sure the noms stay and we don't go up.

I'm not sold on icing Tiana yet tho but everyone else would. Cindy and Pumba seem to be her closest allies so if Cindy goes, she will be loyal to us? Idk. It's gonna get sticky cuz of the Abu/Baymax room.

What should we do? This could be the round we set up making it to the end and it's scary!"

Kristoff: "Hmm yeah idk if we could save Tiana if noms stay though, because of the vote nullifier. This is an important round. I guess we'll have to reassess our options after veto tonight."

Gretel: "Ok! I think you're right cuz everyone will vote her out and we can't throw everything away. Part of me worries if when she goes, they will see us as the next two. Mainly you cuz of comps. But we do have the Baymax/Abu room if they are good with us.

Kristoff: "Yeah. If I have to, I'll comp REGINA SHOULD HAVE WON us to the end lol We have to be the final 2!......Ugh compwhore* though Regina should've won <3"

Gretel: "I'm so confused. Was that a censor? Who is Regina? haha I'm not a compwhore but do ok. I can help tho!"

Kristoff: "Yeah whöre by its self is a censor"

Gretel: "booo. Too many censors.

Do you think Pumba/Cinderella are a tight duo? My mind is starting to wonder about them. Tiana knows her time is up I think too lol."

Kristoff: "It wouldn't surprise me if they were a tight duo. I think Tiana is a little defeated."

Gretel: "I know, it's a little sad."

Kristoff: "Hopefully this means she'll not be tough competition in the POV comp

Gretel: "Either that or she becomes crazy lol"

Kristoff: "Jesus lol Can't get much worse lol"

Gretel: "lmao true"

Feeling kind of bad, Gretel goes to find Tiana who is sitting outside about to eat every single nail on her hands.

Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Tumblr_n17jrxPIgf1toopw8o1_500

Gretel: "Saw the noms...we need 4 votes or the veto. I THINK it's doable.."

Tiana: "Cinderella has the vote nullifier"

Gretel: "Agh! Ok so let's get veto first then. Which votes besides mine do you have? I am getting worried so we need you to get veto. I"m gonna talk to as many people as I can to help I promise."

Tiana: "I assume you and Kristoff. Maybe I can get Baymax? He seems to like me. I think Pumba would vote to keep Cinderella. I'm not sure about Abu.

I really only talk a lot with you. Laughing That's why I was so annoyed by the prejurors spreading the lies about me because I don't talk one on one deeply with anyone besides you.

You are my only one on one room. You are in every room I am in."

Gretel: "That's what I don't understand either. Scar started stuff with YOU and he left. Cruella named him and she then got out for being the strongest villain. It's weird she thinks you control me too just cuz we are close.

This whole thing is like messed up and I just think you have to get the veto tonight to make sure you don't go! Something isn't right"

Kristoff's Diary Room

First of all: Why the FÜCK are the evicted cünts able to see and comment on the sh!t that happens. They ain't in the house no more!

Anyways, I was happy to see Queen Mombi go since I had never talked to her.

Yzma winning ended up being a blessing in disguise as she threw Tiana on the block next to Cinderella, who has a vote nullifier. I'm a little worried I may be a backdoor option so I'm gonna make an alliance with Yzma today. I need to cover my bases because I'm not ready to go.

Tiana's Diary Room

At this point I don't know who to trust in this game. I trust Cinderella, Gretel, & weirdly enough Baymax who I have no alliances with.

I don't trust Kristoff at all nor Abu since neither of them told me they were voting Mombi. Abu even suggested he was voting Yzma.

Cindy has a power, but if I don't win Veto I could still possibly pull off staying in the game if I can either get 4 votes or at least 3 and have Yzma break the tie in my favor.

Gretel's Diary Room

Final 9 Analysis

Basically I need to get the do not feel comfortable with people OUT.

Feel VERY safe with:
Abu--won't win a comp right now though

Feel OKAY with:
Baymax--won't win a comp right now though

Don't feel comfortable with:

I have a problem again. I don't know who I want to go to the f2/f3 with. I think this is messing me up in all games lately. I'm more relaxed/hands-off and it's screwing with my head/plans O_O

As soon as Gretel walks out the Diary Room, she is met by Abu and Baymax.

Abu: "wow this turned out great. Tiana and Cinderella got nominated and we didn't even to do any work."

Baymax: "Why is this game so good to us? I cannot believe how easy we have had it."

Abu: "*group hugs Bay and Gretel*"

Gretel: "<3 I love us 3 so much!"

Episode #20 - Regina Should Have Won Pafpy

Looks like Cruella's words might be coming back to haunt Tiana. As a challenge beast, can she save herself? Find out next time on NatKat's Big Brother Season 2 - Happily Never After.
Emma Swan
Emma Swan

Join date : 2016-03-31

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